Tom Brady on the Art of Teambuilding

A newly released article in the Harvard Business Review (Sep-Oct 2024 edition) on teambuilding presents some interesting advice from a novel expert on the subject, football superstar Tom Brady. HBR editors feel Mr. Brady’s views provide sound insights into the importance and power of teambuilding within all organizations. NAPCO editors agree.

The truths unfolded by Mr. Brady have relevance for trial courts no matter their size, jurisdiction, location or governance structure.

The single foundational, irrefutable lesson in this essay is that “…leaders don’t accomplish anything by themselves. To do great things, [they must] …rely on teammates. And to win, team leaders must find ways to draw the best physical, mental, and emotional performance from the players working with them.”

NAPCO hopes you as a court leader will find some useful parallels between what it takes to be a successful quarterback in the high-powered game of football with what it takes to be a savvy, accomplished leader in our loosely-coupled, complex, and professionally-dominated judicial world. Although you may not attain the distinction of a G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) that many ascribe to Tom Brady, you will gain some universal understandings about how to become a more capable, inspiring leader in your trial court.

Read the full article at Harvard Business Review website.