Renowned Leadership Advice: A Webinar Series for Court Leaders

Many seasoned leaders over the years have looked to studies, writings, and curricula developed by colleges, consultancies and organizational experts to help them improve their skills in leading loosely-coupled, professionally-dominated enterprises such as courts, hospitals, universities, research institutes and think-tanks. Top-down, command-and-control approaches have never proven to be effective or lasting strategies for such organizations.

Register now for this 3-webinar series

Over the years in this search, NAPCO leaders have identified various schools of leadership thought that repeatedly surface as providing meaningful insight into responsibly leading complicated, multi-faceted organizations where individual elements display a relatively high level of autonomy vis-à-vis the larger system within which they exist. Not only do the professionals within them operate independently, but the work units frequently do as well. Actions in one part of the system can have little or no effect in another or may unpredictably trigger responses out of proportion to the initial issues raised.

This spring, NAPCO, in concert with the National Center, will present three webinars highlighting different authors and their research perspectives on leading loosely-coupled organizations. In this initial webinar series, each scholar is affiliated with Harvard University. In the fall, we’ll turn our attention to other notable experts outside the Harvard umbrella as we continue the series.

Although the concepts to be discussed are unique to each scholar’s scientific investigation and frame of reference, there are overlaps as to both the principles identified and their application to the real world of trial courts. The topics, associated books, authors/researchers, and dates and times forthe upcoming online seminars are listed below.

Leadership judges, court executives, consultants, and academics who have experience with these ideas and concepts will serve as webinar faculty. Join us for these free 75-minute discussions on how evidence-based leadership principles can help you and your team as court leaders.

Leading Major Change in Trial CourtsREGISTER NOWLeading Major ChangeJohn P. Kotter, Harvard Business SchoolThursday, April 3, 2025
3 PM (EDT)
Adaptive LeadershipLeadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of LeadingRonald A. Heifetz, Marty Linsky, Harvard Kennedy SchoolThursday, May 1, 2025
3 PM (EDT)
Negotiation as a Key
Skill in Leading Trial
Getting to YesRoger Fisher, William Ury, Harvard Law / NegotiationThursday, June 5, 2025
3 PM (EDT)