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WEBINAR: COVID Court Leadership Fatigue Dealing with the Delta Variant

This webinar, originally presented on September 30, 2021, includes discussion about the latest DELTA Facts (What the Science Says); Mitigation Strategies; Behaviors of Employees and Court Users; Vaccine Policies and Actions; Virtual and In-Person Proceedings; Courthouse and Hybrid Workplaces; DELTA Burn-Out on Judges, Staff, and Lawyers; State Court Administration Help and Guidance; and Criminal Jury Trial Backlogs.

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WEBINAR: Courts that Saw the Future: Leading the Way, Transforming Services

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have reverberated around the world. In the U.S., many courts have implemented unthinkable (until now) and unprecedented changes to keep the “wheels of justice” turning during incredibly challenging times. The advances made over the past 18 months are profound. Long-standing assumptions have been challenged, experiments encouraged, and innovations embraced. It is an exciting, break-through time characterized by new ways of thinking and endless, new possibilities. It is a time for court leaders to embrace the disruption, lead the way, and transform their service delivery models.

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Vaccine hesitancy: It’s not about knowledge

Someone once said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble; it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Some of us know for sure that the mRNA vaccine will give you COVID-19, or contains aborted fetal tissue or “hell man, this virus thing is a hoax.” Their beliefs act as a powerful repellant to medical evidence and physician advice. Anti-vaxxers are few in number but their fears have spread faster than the virus itself. Vaccine hesitancy has slowed the progress of herd immunity to a level that healthcare officials have begun to think about an acceptable number of COVID-19 deaths in a post-pandemic world. A question raised recently in Nature, a leading British science journal.

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2021 Conference Changed to Virtual Only

New infections of the wildly contagious delta variant have been rising nationally and in the Boston region over the past week, including indoor gatherings where face coverings and social distancing occur. As a result, NAPCO’s Executive Committee, including Conference organizers at the Massachusetts Trial Court, have closely monitored the situation. Based on our assessment, the best and safest course of action, given what we know, is to move the Conference to a virtual, online event only and abort the in-person gathering. We are disappointed and heartbroken

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State, Local Trial Courts Now Eligible for JAG Funding from DOJ

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the White House recently provided some renewed guidance regarding the use of Byrne-Justice Assistance Grants funding for the current FY2021 grant cycle that they have brought to the attention of state court leaders as recently reported by Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, president of the CCJ, and State Court Administrator Laurie Dudgeon, president of COSCA.

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Burke, Stawicki: Chauvin case proved the value and efficacy of cameras in the courtroom. Let them in.

Opponents have long argued that cameras would taint the legal process and deny defendants fair trials: jurors would be reluctant to serve; judges and attorneys would grandstand; and witnesses would be afraid to testify. That didn’t happen in the Chauvin trial — jury selection wrapped up early; the judge controlled the courtroom; and witnesses testified. Too often, the cameras-in-the-courtroom argument is framed as all or nothing: They are in and can show anything and anyone in the courtroom, or they are out.

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