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2021 Conference Changed to Virtual Only

New infections of the wildly contagious delta variant have been rising nationally and in the Boston region over the past week, including indoor gatherings where face coverings and social distancing occur. As a result, NAPCO’s Executive Committee, including Conference organizers at the Massachusetts Trial Court, have closely monitored the situation. Based on our assessment, the best and safest course of action, given what we know, is to move the Conference to a virtual, online event only and abort the in-person gathering. We are disappointed and heartbroken

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State, Local Trial Courts Now Eligible for JAG Funding from DOJ

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the White House recently provided some renewed guidance regarding the use of Byrne-Justice Assistance Grants funding for the current FY2021 grant cycle that they have brought to the attention of state court leaders as recently reported by Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, president of the CCJ, and State Court Administrator Laurie Dudgeon, president of COSCA.

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Burke, Stawicki: Chauvin case proved the value and efficacy of cameras in the courtroom. Let them in.

Opponents have long argued that cameras would taint the legal process and deny defendants fair trials: jurors would be reluctant to serve; judges and attorneys would grandstand; and witnesses would be afraid to testify. That didn’t happen in the Chauvin trial — jury selection wrapped up early; the judge controlled the courtroom; and witnesses testified. Too often, the cameras-in-the-courtroom argument is framed as all or nothing: They are in and can show anything and anyone in the courtroom, or they are out.

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Data helps California Court Officials During the Pandemic

In Orange County, California, judges and other court leaders have managed emergencies with the help of their three-legged stool: people, process and technology. The coronavirus pandemic forced them to add a fourth leg – data – which they now recognize as essential to keeping the stool more stable. That insight came from an interview conducted by NCSC researchers Diane Robinson and Allison Trochesset, who wrote about it in a recently published paper about how Orange County court administrators have used data to allow their court to operate more efficiently during the pandemic.

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WEBINAR: Jurors and Jury Trials in a Post-COVID World

On May 27, 2021, the National Association for Presiding Judges and Court Executive Officers presented a webinar about promoting racial diversity and better fact-finding in jury trials. MODERATOR Hon. Gregory Mize (ret.), Judicial Fellow, Center for Jury Studies, National Center for State Courts PRESENTERS Hon. Pamela Gates, Civil Presiding Judge, Superior Court, Maricopa County (Arizona)… Continue Reading WEBINAR: Jurors and Jury Trials in a Post-COVID World

In-person NAPCO 2021 Boston Conference Likely to Grow

The CDC recently reported that ten states, most of them in the northeast portion of the country, have achieved the Biden Administration’s goal of vaccinating 70 percent of the adult population with at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine. Public health experts generally agree that herd immunity is reached when 70 to 80 percent of the populace has been inoculated against a contagious pathogen. Herd immunity makes it possible to protect all people from a disease, including those who can’t be vaccinated, such as newborns or those who have compromised immune systems.

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