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Arizona courts launch task force to look into no-knock warrants

No-knock warrants allow law enforcement officers to enter a location without knocking and announcing their presence. Virginia banned no-knock warrants in December, making it the third state to do so. Oregon and Florida already ban the type of warrant. According to a report by The Associated Press, Breonna Taylor’s family praised Virginia’s move and stated they hope others would “get on board.” The new task force for the Arizona Supreme Court will provide recommendations to ensure there are safeguards in place and address the training of judicial officers. Recommendations could also include proposed amendments to Arizona court rules and statutes.

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WEBINAR: Judicial and Court Security: Lessons Learned in the Time of Covid and Domestic Terror

On February 18, 2021, the National Association for Presiding Judges and Court Executive Officers presented a webinar about ensuring a safe, respectful, government-provided forum for the resolution of disputes, which is a bedrock principle of a democratic justice system. The parties, witnesses, jurors, judicial officers, and court staff in the pursuit of justice are entitled to safeguards against intimidation, threats, and coercion whether at the courthouse, in the community, in their personal lives, or over the internet and social media. Thankfully, numerous training programs, plans and tactics have been developed over the years to protect the places, people, and processes charged with delivering justice.

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Chemerinsky: SCOTUS hands down a rare civil rights victory on qualified immunity

Source: ABA e-Journal; February 1, 2021Author: Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Berkley School of Law, University of California Per curiam decisions handed down without briefing and oral argument generally do not get much attention, so it is understandable that the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling about qualified immunity in Taylor v. Riojas might have been overlooked, even by… Continue Reading Chemerinsky: SCOTUS hands down a rare civil rights victory on qualified immunity

WEBINAR: How Will You Address COVID-Caused Criminal Case Backlogs?

This 75-minute webinar reviews research-based approaches to modernize criminal case processing, reduce backlogs, and sustain successful operational improvements within the court’s culture. The issues discussed include the following: Is your court ready and able to apply proven criminal case management solutions to restart case processing? What should individual judges do to become more proficient in managing their criminal dockets? How can court leaders help reduce systemic barriers to improve criminal caseflow?

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WEBINAR: The Power of Civility, Decency, and Humility in Leading Courts

This webinar was held on December 17, 2020. This 75-minute webinar provides examples and techniques in leading with civility, decency, and humility, as well as improving and sustaining these values in court operations and cultures. The issues discussed include the following: What’s the difference between civility and decency? Why should court leaders care? How can… Continue Reading WEBINAR: The Power of Civility, Decency, and Humility in Leading Courts

The Collision of the Speedy Trial Clock with the Coronavirus’s Slowdown Realities: Justice in the Time of COVID-19

Against the backdrop of the coronavirus, it remains to be seen just how much delay can be tolerated under the Sixth Amendment and the Speedy Trial Act. As the pandemic continues to ebb and flow throughout the United States and with some predicting (and planning for) a “second wave,” a “speedy” recovery appears increasingly unlikely, and with it, speedy trials
will likely be much more elusive. As seen in the nation’s most populous state, California, some extensions have already reached into 2021, and other jurisdictions have left their extensions pending indefinitely.

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WEBINAR: Preparing for 2021 – Key questions court leadership teams should be asking

This webinar was held on November 19, 2020. It focuses on the following questions facing court leadership teams. How can courts prevent short-term and urgent matters from getting in the way of preparing and planning for the future? Where can the digital revolution be accelerated to improve the court-2-customer/user experience? What are the issues and… Continue Reading WEBINAR: Preparing for 2021 – Key questions court leadership teams should be asking