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NAPCO membership is open to presiding, chief and leadership judges, court executives and others …

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NCMC and NACM to hold Joint Conference in Scottsdale AZ July 2014

Representatives of the National Conference of Metropolitan Courts (NCMC) and the National Association for Court Management (NACM) met for the second time in the last six months at the NACM Annual Conference in San Antonio to further discuss developing a closer relationship between the two organizations.  NCMC representatives included Judge Dennis Smith, Jack Clarke and… Continue Reading NCMC and NACM to hold Joint Conference in Scottsdale AZ July 2014

NCMC Shares Leadership Expertise at Illinois Chief Circuit Judges Conference

Springfield, IL – In mid-May 2013, two NCMC officers – President Judge Pamela Dembe and Executive Director Gordy Griller – participated as members of a faculty team that presented a 1 ½ day retreat on Trial Court Leadership for the Illinois Conference of Chief Circuit Court Judges.  Judicial leaders from all 24 Illinois Judicial Circuits… Continue Reading NCMC Shares Leadership Expertise at Illinois Chief Circuit Judges Conference

Los Angeles Superior Court Searches for a New Executive Officer

Los Angeles Superior Court Executive Officer John (Jack) A. Clarke recently announced his retirement effective March 31, 2013, culminating a very productive and active 18 year career with the court.  Previously, Mr. Clarke served as the Trial Court Executive for the Superior Court in Essex Vicinage (Greater Newark) New Jersey, that state’s largest court. The… Continue Reading Los Angeles Superior Court Searches for a New Executive Officer

National Conference Leadership Explores Closer Affiliation with NACM

At the 2013 Mid-Year Conference of the National Association for Court Management (NACM), leaders of the National Conference of Metropolitan Courts (NCMC) met with NACM Board Members to discuss a closer relationship between the two groups.  It is envisioned that such a collaboration would help to re-invigorate membership in both organizations, jointly strengthen educational programming,… Continue Reading National Conference Leadership Explores Closer Affiliation with NACM