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NAPCO membership is open to presiding, chief and leadership judges, court executives and others …

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Drive for Greater Legal Efficiencies Similar to Reengineering Pressures on Courts

May, 2012 Source: ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter; Allison Guidette, Thomson Reuters   When I speak with law firm leaders lately, one thing comes through loud and clear: the challenges and pressures they face are, in many ways, unprecedented. The legal industry is going through dramatic changes in response to the evolving needs of clients. Today,… Continue Reading Drive for Greater Legal Efficiencies Similar to Reengineering Pressures on Courts

The 2011 and 2012 Annual Meetings and Education Sessions will be held in Orlando and Pittsburgh, respectively.

The NCMC Executive Committee, chaired by Washington D.C. Senior Judge Rufus King III, announced today that the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida led by Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. will host the 47th Annual gathering of metro presiding judges and court administrators on October 19-21, 2011.  The Ninth Judicial Circuit, one of 20 judicial circuits… Continue Reading The 2011 and 2012 Annual Meetings and Education Sessions will be held in Orlando and Pittsburgh, respectively.

2010 Conference, scheduled for October 20 – 23 in Los Angeles, will be low cost for attendees.

This year’s 46th Annual Meeting and Education Session in L.A. comes at a time when many courts continue to readjust budgets, reduce expenditures, and revamp programs.  “In the third year of the continuing recession, court leaders are becoming savvier regarding funding flexibility in order to attend helpful education sessions such as planned for Los Angeles,”… Continue Reading 2010 Conference, scheduled for October 20 – 23 in Los Angeles, will be low cost for attendees.

Themes and programs for 2010 educational sessions focus on funding, re-engineering, and delay reduction.

The NCMC Executive Committee, meeting on October 14, 2009, authorized that all future conferences beginning with the 2010 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, scheduled to take place October 20-23, 2010, be sited at educational facilities managed and operated by the urban court host rather than locating the event at a hotel.   Under this plan, the… Continue Reading Themes and programs for 2010 educational sessions focus on funding, re-engineering, and delay reduction.

Annual Meetings to be conducted at host court sites, not hotels, to save costs and enhance choices for participants

Chief Judge Charles (Tim) McCoy, Executive Court Administrator Jack Clarke, Deputy Court Administrator Joi Sorensen and the judges and staff of the Superior Court in Los Angeles County have begun already to stretch out the educational program for the 2010 Annual Meeting to be sited at the court’s main courthouse in the heart of Los… Continue Reading Annual Meetings to be conducted at host court sites, not hotels, to save costs and enhance choices for participants

November 2008 Workshop on Reducing Trial Court Delay in Metropolitan Courts a success; more workshops planned for 2009

Over 36 participants attended a special 1½ day, hands-on seminar in Phoenix over Veterans Day (November 10-11) to learn practical techniques from caseflow experts to decrease delay in the flow of cases.  Court leaders from Pittsburgh (Common Pleas Court in Allegheny County), Anchorage (Superior Court in Anchorage) and Chicago (Circuit Court in Cook County) brought… Continue Reading November 2008 Workshop on Reducing Trial Court Delay in Metropolitan Courts a success; more workshops planned for 2009

Budget Cutback Strategies

3/20/2008 The slowing economy is impacting state, county and local governments. Lower sales tax revenues, property tax reductions resulting from home devaluations, and other faltering revenue sources are making it necessary for legislative bodies to request courts cut current expenditures and reduce future budgets. Many urban trial courts are facing hiring freezes, reductions in force,… Continue Reading Budget Cutback Strategies