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No courts, no conspiracy: A race decided by a game

There was a time, 30 years ago, when Arizona wasn’t the epicenter of election deniers and unfounded voting conspiracies. This story centers around a Republican Party legislative primary election that resulted in a tie between two contenders (one eventually became a judge on the Superior Court in Maricopa County) and the interesting, honorable way the dispute was handled.

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Following the Money in America’s 2022 Midterm Elections Raises Questions on How Spending May Someday Impact Judicial Elections

Source: The EconomistDate: November 5, 2022 Editorial Note: This article appeared in the United States section of The Economist news magazine under the headline “Following the Money.” NAPCO editors feel the flood of money targeting legislative and executive branch elections seen in America’s midterms this year bode ill for the future of judicial elections both… Continue Reading Following the Money in America’s 2022 Midterm Elections Raises Questions on How Spending May Someday Impact Judicial Elections

WEBINAR: How Hybrid Officing is Changing Trial Courts, Work-Life Balance, and the Court Workplace

On October 20, 2022, NAPCO facilitated a Webinar called Remote Work: How Hybrid Officing is Changing Trial Courts, Work-Life Balance, and the Court Workplace. Topics included (1) Hybrid Work: What the Data Says; (2) Living within Telework Statutes and Policies; (3) Pros and Cons of Remote Work Experiences for judicial officers and court managers, backroom and customer-facing workers, and chambers staff; and (4) Strategies and Advice for Meaningful, Productive Remote Working Arrangements in Trial Courts.

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ABA works nationwide to provide nonpartisan
information and protect access to the ballot box

In a democracy, there is no more fundamental right than the right to vote. The ABA is dedicated to ensuring that all eligible citizens have the opportunity to help choose their elected leaders and make decisions on laws that will impact their communities. As the nation engages in another high-stakes election season, the Governmental Affairs Office’s Election Center serves as a central location for substantive, nonpartisan information for all voters.

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information and protect access to the ballot box

Hybrid and remote work is red-hot in the paralegal market. Are court workers next?

By Stephanie Francis Ward for ABA e-Journal in October 2022 Note: Although this article primarily focuses on paralegals, NAPCO website editors bring it to you as acourt leader since we believe it is a “here-to-stay trend” that will involve courthouse workers, too. For adiscussion about how the issue is unfolding in trial courts across the… Continue Reading Hybrid and remote work is red-hot in the paralegal market. Are court workers next?

QR codes hold both positives and negatives as a new high-tech digital tool for trial courts

QR (quick response) codes are the black-and-white barcodes resembling boxes full of squiggles, squares and dots that have become ubiquitous on many forms of advertising. Invented in 1994 by engineers at the Japanese company Denso Wave, a Toyota parts supplier, as a means of tracking those parts, QR codes became more widespread in the 2010s as companies started using them to provide users with access to a wide range of services, including restaurant ordering, electronic payments and gaming.

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Four Ways to Deal with Misinformation in Decision-making

We live in a time of unprecedented access to information that’s available anytime and anywhere. Even when we don’t actively seek out opinions, reviews, and social media posts, we are constantly subjected to them. Simply processing all of this information is difficult enough, but there’s another, more serious problem: Not all of it is accurate, and some is outright false. Even more worrying is that when inaccurate or wrong information is repeated, an illusion of truth occurs: People believe repeated information to be true — even when it is not.

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