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NAPCO membership is open to presiding, chief and leadership judges, court executives and others …

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Reflections from the Bench: Procedural Fairness and Trauma: How do we avoid re-traumatizing our court users?

I have spent 29 years as a general jurisdiction trial court judge, primarily in the criminal and family courts. Every day on the bench I saw those who had been traumatized by the crimes, actions or neglect of others. I know my experience is not unusual. A 2016 Bureau of Justice Statistics report tells us that the majority of Americans will experience a violent crime at some point in their lives. One in four children will suffer abuse or neglect. That adds up to 3 million children per year. Simply put, it is an unusual day when someone who has experienced trauma is not in the courtroom.

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January for divorces?

January has earned the nickname “Divorce Month” in legal circles because many couples wait until just after the holiday season to divorce. A study from the University of Washington from 2016, which looked at divorce filings from 2001-15 in the state of Washington, concluded that the number of filings increased in January, compared to December. Filings climbed from January to March, fell again, and rose to another peak in August.

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How I spent my senior status

I was appointed to a state judicial position – Maricopa County AZ Superior Court Commissioner – in 1979, when I was 28, and have been a judicial officer of one stripe or another (Superior Court judge, federal magistrate judge, 9th Circuit judge) ever since. That’s 40 years on the bench. I’ve loved every minute of it (not counting court meetings), but when I became eligible for senior status in 2016, I decided I did not want to waste that unique opportunity. I don’t know of any other job, in or out of government, that allows a person to decide for himself how much he or she wants to continue to work, to draw full pay no matter what, to stay connected to colleagues and professional goings-on – and to still have plenty of time to pursue other interests.

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Everything you’d ever want to know about limited jurisdiction courts

Another name for limited jurisdiction courts is: municipal courts; district courts; mayor’s courts; justice courts; all the above. If you selected #5, you’re correct, but “all the above” is an incomplete answer. In all, there are 20 different names for limited jurisdiction courts nationwide. That fact is just one of many found in a new… Continue Reading Everything you’d ever want to know about limited jurisdiction courts

NAPCO Conference App

We will have an app for the NAPCO Annual Conference. With this app, you will be able to communicate with attendees, customize your schedule, read speaker biographies and more! Conference coordinators will be using the app to push out important information related to the conference before and during the conference. Follow these simple steps to… Continue Reading NAPCO Conference App

National Survey of Nonlawyer Assistance to Self-Represented Litigants Available to Court Leaders

According to a 2017 study by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), 86% of the civil legal problems reported by low-income Americans receive inadequate or no legal help. Other justice agencies have confirmed this troubling national legal dilemma, including the National Center for State Courts which estimates that at least one party is self-represented in approximately three out of four civil cases in state courts. In an ongoing effort to assess and expand workable, cost-efficient ways to help the unrepresented, the Justice Lab at the Georgetown Law Center reviewed the national landscape of “nonlawyer navigator programs” and reported on 23 initiatives in 15 state courts and the District of Columbia.

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NAPCO 2016 Remote Court Tech Guide Remains Helpful

Three years ago, NAPCO published a reference guide on the current and potential use of remote technology for adjudication processes and court operations. The guide’s purpose is to help court leaders improve access to justice, reduce litigation costs, and decrease trial court delay where geographic distance from the courthouse by litigants, lawyers, witnesses, and the… Continue Reading NAPCO 2016 Remote Court Tech Guide Remains Helpful