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Effective Judicial Leadership Needed

It is demoralizing to feel unappreciated, so it is not surprising that many court leaders feel a bit despondent when people don’t care if courts have to do more with less. Some members of the public feel that “courts are no different than the rest of government,” and “we should have less government anyway.” Naturally, those of us who work in the courts interpret tighter funding to really mean that our work is valued less and less. These improvements have not been matched by higher levels in people of trust and confidence in their courts.

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NCMC Leaders to Participate in Special Civil Justice Roundtable at Prestigious Rehnquist Dinner Event in Washington D.C. November 20, 2014

National Center for State Courts | September 2014   Annually, the National Center for State Courts presents the William H. Rehnquist Award at a special dinner ceremony in the rotunda of the U.S. Supreme Court Building hosted by the Chief Justice of the United States John J. Roberts. The award honors a state jurist who… Continue Reading NCMC Leaders to Participate in Special Civil Justice Roundtable at Prestigious Rehnquist Dinner Event in Washington D.C. November 20, 2014

10 things judges can do to help business litigation be more efficient and less expensive | April 25, 2014 Patrick Lamb, Valorem Law Group, a Chicago and San Jose business focused law firm, recently offered some sage advice on how courts could be more effective in resolving corporate litigation. He wrote… I recently lived through a litigator and client’s bad dream—a case that settled on the eve (literally) of… Continue Reading 10 things judges can do to help business litigation be more efficient and less expensive