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NAPCO membership is open to presiding, chief and leadership judges, court executives and others …

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A Trauma-Informed Court Starts with Procedural Fairness

The core of being an effective trial court judge is to be a judge who has insight and can effectively manage her or his own emotions as well as the emotions of the others in the courtroom. If the judge presides in a family court or treatment court, there are skills you can learn that can enhance your effectiveness but even if you are a part-time limited jurisdiction court judge there are similar skills that are essential. Beyond insight into emotions in a courtroom a judge needs to be an effective communicator and an even better listener, and a judge needs to be a trauma-informed jurist.

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Georgetown Law launches fellowship program to improve public access to courts through technology

The Georgetown University Law Center plans to embed technology experts in state, local and tribal courts in September 2023 through a fellowship program intended to help improve court processes and public access to justice. The Judicial Innovation Fellowship program has two goals: to create replicable software and to “seed culture change” within judiciaries, so that they will become more responsive to needs of court patrons, according to a Georgetown Law press release and backgrounder.

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WEBINAR: Judiciary Under Attack… Confronting Disinformation, Fake News, and Online Assaults

This 75-minute webinar explores what state and local judicial systems can do to address unjustifiable attacks on trial judges, the vital role of the judiciary in our tripartite democracy, and how trial court leaders can be part of the effort to mitigate unconscionable attacks on judges.

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No courts, no conspiracy: A race decided by a game

There was a time, 30 years ago, when Arizona wasn’t the epicenter of election deniers and unfounded voting conspiracies. This story centers around a Republican Party legislative primary election that resulted in a tie between two contenders (one eventually became a judge on the Superior Court in Maricopa County) and the interesting, honorable way the dispute was handled.

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Following the Money in America’s 2022 Midterm Elections Raises Questions on How Spending May Someday Impact Judicial Elections

Source: The EconomistDate: November 5, 2022 Editorial Note: This article appeared in the United States section of The Economist news magazine under the headline “Following the Money.” NAPCO editors feel the flood of money targeting legislative and executive branch elections seen in America’s midterms this year bode ill for the future of judicial elections both… Continue Reading Following the Money in America’s 2022 Midterm Elections Raises Questions on How Spending May Someday Impact Judicial Elections

WEBINAR: How Hybrid Officing is Changing Trial Courts, Work-Life Balance, and the Court Workplace

On October 20, 2022, NAPCO facilitated a Webinar called Remote Work: How Hybrid Officing is Changing Trial Courts, Work-Life Balance, and the Court Workplace. Topics included (1) Hybrid Work: What the Data Says; (2) Living within Telework Statutes and Policies; (3) Pros and Cons of Remote Work Experiences for judicial officers and court managers, backroom and customer-facing workers, and chambers staff; and (4) Strategies and Advice for Meaningful, Productive Remote Working Arrangements in Trial Courts.

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ABA works nationwide to provide nonpartisan
information and protect access to the ballot box

In a democracy, there is no more fundamental right than the right to vote. The ABA is dedicated to ensuring that all eligible citizens have the opportunity to help choose their elected leaders and make decisions on laws that will impact their communities. As the nation engages in another high-stakes election season, the Governmental Affairs Office’s Election Center serves as a central location for substantive, nonpartisan information for all voters.

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information and protect access to the ballot box